Security Measures

Overview of Server Security in Minecraft

Keep your Minecraft server safe from unwanted intrusions and ensure a secure experience for your community with these essential security plugins and measures.

Preventing Unauthorized Access

  • PermissionsEx: Manage user permissions effectively to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive areas of your server.

  • Whitelist: Use server whitelisting to control who joins your server, reducing the risk of malicious users.

Protecting Player Information and Maintaining Fair Gameplay

  • AntiCheat: Deploy anti-cheat plugins to prevent unfair advantages and protect the integrity of gameplay.

  • Grief Prevention: Secure your server’s land and buildings from griefers with land claim tools.

Enhancing Server Security

  • SSL Encryption: Implement SSL certificates to secure data transfers between players and the server.

  • DDoS Protection: Make use of the built-in DDoS protection that our hosting service provides to keep your server stable against attacks.

  • Regular Audits and Two-Factor Authentication: Conduct periodic audits for vulnerabilities and enforce two-factor authentication (2FA) for admin accounts.

Additional Security Tactics

  • Configured Firewall: Establish a solid firewall to monitor and filter incoming and outgoing traffic.

  • Minimal Necessary Permissions: Adhere to the principle of least privilege when setting user permissions.

While adding plugins can greatly increase your server’s security, remember that vigilant administration is the most effective form of protection. Regularly review and update your security measures to adapt to new threats as they emerge.